Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Candy Cane Cake

This is actually really easy. But it's a hit every time I do it, so keep it in the back of your mind for the next Christmas party...

Chocolate Cake Mix (and all the stuff to make it)
Chocolate Frosting
Box of Standard red-striped peppermint candy canes

Smoosh the entire box of candy canes into crumbly pieces. Small enough to sprinkle, big enough to see some red and white.

Mix up a chocolate cake, pour into two round pans. Sprinkle a handful of candy cane pieces into each half.

Do the usual stuff for a two layer cake, but on top of the frosting layer in the middle, add some more candy cane (I use a fould sifter, to make sure that thi layer gets just the powder stuff.

After frosting the entire thing, sprinkle the remaining candy cane pieces on top. See how pretty!

I just made one this weekend, but yesterday I had requests for two more. I don't tell people how easy it is. If they can't figure it out, they don't deserve to know.

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